uploads/full score.jpg

full score 【音樂】總譜。

full stop

The study , conducted by dr siu oi - ling , an associate professor at lingnan universitys department of politics and sociology , and fourteen overseas scholars , reveals that greater china managers mean stress level induced by work - family conflicts , at 33 . 6 , is higher than the 25 . 7 and 32 . 2 , suffered by the english - speaking and latin american managers , respectively the full score is 54 有報告顯示大中華地區的管理人員因工作崗位與家庭角式引起沖突,而導致有工作壓力的平均水平為33 . 6 ,高于分別只有25 . 7的英語國家管理人員及32 . 2的拉丁美洲管理人員滿分為54 。

The english - speaking region including countries such as the us , canada and uk records an index of 47 . 5 and the latin american region including countries such as brazil , mexico and argentina has a satisfaction level of 49 . 6 the full score is 71 英語國家包括美國加拿大及英國及拉丁美洲區域包括巴西墨西哥及阿根廷等國家則分別有47 . 5及49 . 6的管理人員有工作滿足感滿分為71 。

Gamespy : during the single - player game , the music changes over time , eventually building up to a full score . can you talk a little about that 在單人游戲中,音樂在隨著時間改變著,最后達到配樂的高潮.你可以談點這些么?

If no visible mistakes like snowflakes , missing dots , squeezed inks , incorrect colors , and poor drying , etc , the full score is awarded 如果所有雪花、臟點、刀絲、誤色、干燥不良等常見凹印缺陷都不存在,則為滿分。

He got a full score in the english competition of yesterday , which is attributed to hard work 由于努力學習的結果,昨天的英語競賽他得了滿分。

He got a full scores in an english contest yesterday cos of his effort 由于努力學習的結果,昨天的英語競賽他得了滿分。

“ that can ' t be ! both of you got full scores , so you are both number one 沒有啊,你們兩個都考滿分,都是第一名啊!

If all colors are water - based inks , the full score is awarded 如果所有顏色都是水性油墨,則為滿分;否則按比例折算。

B : you bet . i got two full scores in the first round 當然。我在第一輪中就打了兩個滿貫。

You bet . i got two full scores in the first round 當然。我在第一輪中就打了兩個滿貫。